Research Interests
My primary mathematical research interests align with my mathematical training in graph theory, but I am increasingly interested in investigating how best to support student learning. Overall, I tend toward collaborative research. Do you have an interesting something to investigate? I might be interested too. Let's talk!Are you a student looking to explore something of interest (perhaps for the first time)? I might be interested in exploring with you. Let's talk!
Are you a student looking for a research opportunity but don't have a specific topic in mind? Graph theory is a great area where you can quickly get your hands dirty playing around with ideas before really digging in. Let's talk!
Works Indexed by MathSciNet (i.e. published mathematical results)
Note: * indicates co-author was an undergraduate student at the time of research- List-Antimagic Labeling of Vertex-Weighted Graphs (with Z. Berikkyzy, S. Jahanbekam, V. Larsen, and D. Rorabaugh) in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (2021)
- Additive List Coloring of Planar Graphs with Given Girth (with S. Jahanbekam and J. White) in Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory (2020)
- Planar Graphs with Girth 20 are Addivtively 3-Choosable (with N. Tenpas* and C. Yerger) in Discrete Applied Math (2020)
- An Alternative Approach for Bounding the Additive Choice Number of Planar Graphs (with N. Tenpas* and C. Yerger) in Congressus Numerantium (2018)
- A Robber Locating Strategy for Trees (with J. Diemunsch, C. Erbes, J. LeGrand, and C. Moffat) in Discrete Applied Mathematics (2017)
- Stability and Turan numbers of a class of hypergraphs via Lagrangians (with D. Irwin and T. Jiang) in Combinatorics, Probability, and Computing (2017)
- I,F-Partitions of Sparse Graphs (with M. Ferrara, M. Kumbhat, S. Loeb, D. Stolee, and M. Yancee) in European Journal of Combinatorics (2016)
- Local Gap Colorings From Edge Labelings (with B. Moran*, K. Nepal, F. Pfender, and D. Sigler) in Australasian Journal of Combinatorics (2016)
Works Not Indexed by MathSciNet (i.e. dissemination of other academic efforts)
- Tic-Tac-Whoa! in "Teaching Mathematics Through Games" edited by M. Capaldi and published by AMS/MAA Press Classroom Resource Materials (2021)